2022, a mid-term review!
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
The summer vacations are approaching, an opportunity to take stock of the mid-term review for 2022 and to present the new features that await you for the second half of the year.
Simple and efficient
The year 2021 has been rich in new features. It was marked by a complete redesign of the dashboard, many new customization options and multiple improvements to the user experience.
We started 2022 with new ideas, plenty of motivation, and two main goals in mind: simplify administration on the one hand, facilitate participation on the other.
In a word: simplicity!
Simplify the task of administrators
In line with the redesign of the management and monitoring interface started in 2021 (the famous "Dashboard"!), we have gone even further in 2022 to assist you in the administration of your space by adding :
- an interface allowing you to configure your space independently. The cover image, the texts of the "About" page, the links to your social networks, etc. It's all there!
- a user management interface including an invitation module ! And the possibility to distribute a QR code leading to your consultations to simplify access to your space.
- A suite of tools allowing you to process more efficiently the proposals resulting from your consultations. A messaging with the authors, private notes between processors and assignment for proposals.
Tools for administrators: the proposal for which Mila is responsible, gives rise to exchanges visible only to the administrators of the consultation_.
... and participants
The simplification of participation has been a permanent project for Fluicity and has once again been at the heart of our work. In addition to numerous improvements to the user experience (simplifying registration, highlighting the main actions, etc.), at the beginning of the year we deployed :
- several features to make it easier to participate in events organized by your institution. Simplified access to Zoom, Jitsi or Teams type online events, registration or even adding to the calendar.
- a new "view" of the type "carousel" for calls for proposals, currently being tested. It allows maximizing interactions, especially votes, on existing proposals.
The new "carousel" view simplifies the flow of proposals and encourages reaction_.
And now? We take (almost) the same and start again!
After having told you that simplicity was an obsession for Fluicity, we have to prove it to you! For this second semester of 2022, the program will be... simplify participation on one hand, facilitate administration on the other hand!
But as a bonus, we've got a third exciting project for you: better understand and target your users.
Let's go!
More inclusive methods
Encouraging "online" participation is great.
To do so, we are planning several projects, including a tool that will allow you to offer multilingual consultations more easily.
But encouraging participation "at all" is even better!
To do this, we want to help you to better manage "mixed" consultations, organized both online and in person. They allow for more inclusiveness by reaching profiles that are far from digital, for example. Our first two tracks?
- To be able to integrate paper submission forms into the platform.
- To allow reconciling online and paper votes.
Customized consultation
To make you even more autonomous and efficient, and to save you a lot of back and forth with the users, we want to continue to improve your administration interface. How can we do this? By giving you the possibility to configure more finely the deposit forms, manage the security options or choose the display modes (map, list, carousel) yourself.
No need to go through our support team anymore! With so much autonomy, we're almost afraid that our support team will get bored. They'll send you postcards from the beach 🏖
Knock, knock, knock... Who's there?
To better target your consultations, but also to be able to legitimize them, we want to help you understand who your users are. That's why we've included this third block in our roadmap for the second half of the year. Gender, neighborhood, age, department, etc. you will soon know everything about your audience (in compliance with the RGPD of course!).
- Your dashboard already allows you to visualize the distribution of users by age, city, socio-professional category and gender. We now want to allow you to comparison these data with real data, provided by INSEE, StatBel or by yourself. Thus, you will be able to estimate the representativeness of your audience with regard to the target population. You will then be able to better direct your communication efforts, for example, choose the themes of your consultations more judiciously or estimate the need to organize a physical consultation.
- And to go even further, we want to offer you the possibility to integrate your own "dimensions", typically a notion of neighborhood, into this set of data collected from users. The goal? To be able to understand who is participating and direct those users to the news or consultations that are relevant.
You have seen it, the program is loaded. And still, we didn't tell you about some "red threads" with sweet names: RGAA (accessibility), RGPD (data protection) and EcoIndex (eco-responsible design). So we... we're back at it!
Do not hesitate to send your feedback, suggestions, to your project manager.
And have a good summer!