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5 idées pour rendre son quartier plus écologique  !

  • Tuesday, January 15, 2019

  • How to think the city of tomorrow? This was the theme chosen by the social innovation firm HAATCH, which brought together a number of actors involved in this subject for a workshop. Fluicity was present alongside real estate developers, elected officials and associations for a morning rich in exchanges, during which we worked on the following theme: how to act to make your neighborhood more ecological? This is the opportunity to present you five local ecological ideas, which could be posted on Fluicity.

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    A contest to reduce waste

    Easier to organize than it seems, a waste reduction contest is also a friendly ecological idea that allows you to meet your neighbors. You put up a few posters in your building, talk to your neighbors and the day before the collection, everyone weighs their bag or organizes a weighing session at home, the winner of which leaves with a pre-defined prize. And it can even become a weekly event. [The perfect idea to reinforce citizen involvement ( and allow everyone to act for a more ecological neighborhood.

    2 A collective worm composting facility

    An ecological neighborhood means composting! And you don't have to have a house or a garden to do it. You can suggest to your city council on Fluicity to make a vermicomposter available, at the scale of a district or a building. To make it easier for the municipality, you can even suggest that they buy a vermicomposter online]( or even make it yourself.

    3 A Neighborhood Barter Day

    We all have at home that book that we know we won't read, those clothes that we quickly get tired of, those decorations that we have accumulated over the years and that give our apartment a flea market look... In short, objects that are absolutely useless to us and that we don't even remember where they came from. We have also all experienced that moment, when we move in, when we say to ourselves that it is stupid to buy new cutlery, that there must be plenty of it in the cupboards of the condominium...

    Seen like that, bartering becomes obvious. Especially since the most ecological item is still the one you didn't buy!

    4 A deposit and donation corner

    For those who don't want to wait for the bartering day to give, why not agree on a drop-off corner with your commune? This requires a little organization to avoid the place turning into a dump, but the reflexes of donation and reuse will be adopted more quickly. To make your neighborhood more ecological, you have to attack your habits.

    5. A shared vegetable garden

    More and more common, as in Limay where the idea had been concretized following the suggestion of a citizen on Flucity, these shared vegetable gardens answer several objectives: to reappropriate under-used spaces by connecting them to nature, to meet together, to consume your local products... and to valorize the compost obtained thanks to your collective vermicomposter, of course!

    Have these green ideas inspired you? To make your neighborhood greener you can also check out our last article about the energy crisis and how to deal with it.